In light of the latest 'Youtube' republican debate one should heavily wonder why the media have overtly declared war on Ron Paul at the detriment of their journalistic ethics. Whether or not a Ron Paul supporter every reasonable person watching the debate will attest to the fact that Giuliani or Romney had more time allotted to them during their first exchange than Dr. Paul had during the course of the entire debate. With such a disparity can one undecided voter make a true educated decision on the candidate he or she should support?
Certainly not.
With such an imbalance can a reasonable viewer say that CNN was respecting their oath of impartiality, as journalism ethics dictate?
Certainly NOT!
Was the debate biased in favor of those candidates to make it more interesting?
Now that we know that this debate was not meant to educate, persuade, or amuse, what could have pushed a news network to have so blatantly usurped their power and fed the American people this masterpiece of totalitarian run journalism?
The answer is rather simple:
However popular and trusted, CNN or FOX are nevertheless privately owned networks, and therefore are less inclined to respect ethics than to please their owners. With this said, it is usually in their interest to milden their views to attract more people, as is the case with CNN, or to take position more openly to cater to a more faithful audience, as is common FOX News strategy.
What happened in this debate, however, is a grave miscalculation on the part of the media. While they have successfully and subtly provided viewers with front runners for decades they have revealed an ugly agenda this time. They have tired and disillusioned millions of viewers who stared in disbelief in what looked more like a bad joke than a true debate.
The internet and more importantly, the web 2.0 - whose philosophy claims to bring a social aspect that helps bring people together - has enabled millions to gather their own evidence in the quest for a President, and gosh, is it different from what was force fed to us in the tube on the 28th of November! A revolution is brewing, yes, but a beautiful revolution indeed! Knowledge has never been closer to us as it is today, people have never felt closer to us as they do today, and more importantly, the truth has never shined so brightly as it shines today!
They have managed to take over our TV sets and advertise their vision of who should have a chance in the race for the presidency. But fear not, my people, for the (GQ) dark horse of this race is carrying the message of peace. The lord of the night will see the light of day, and on December 16, we will show them the fruits of our revolution, as they have never seen before, for on that day, History shall be written!
The illuminati 2.0 have names: Kevin Rose, Mark Zuckerberg and many others have shown us that free speech is nothing without free thought!
More than ever, for our liberties! Let us show them that truth will prevail!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Now more than ever, a December 16 they will never forget!
Posted by
7:46 PM
Labels: cnn, liberty, presidential debate, tea party, you decide 2008, youtube
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Politics 2.0 - The Ron Paul Challenge!
Have you been following the latest political debates and diatribes ?
Well, if you haven't, do not hastily run to your TV set just yet, dear reader, as the real news seem to be coming in force from another powerful media, our most beloved Internet.
There is no doubt the web 2.0 trend has invaded our homes and lives in multiple ways. It has only been a year since Youtube came out, and you won't find anyone around who hasn't heard of it, not even from the deepest caves of Afghanistan. Myspace, thefacebook, digg, reddit and other user generated content websites have unleashed the power of a new web, more powerful, more instant. Distances have never felt so short, and people so close.
In an effort to ride the wave, democrats and republicans alike have setup 'Youtube' official election debates where users were able to ask questions via videos posted on Youtube... Pathetic. Partisanship totally aside, I believe the Youtube-sponsored democratic debate of April totally missed the point of the 2.0 philosophy. CNN selecting which videos be shown? What a joke, what a contradiction!
The web 2.0 philosophy was born with one principal at the center of the scene, the user.
What is the point of having a Youtube sponsored debate if the videos do not represent necessarily the wish of the users, a la Digg.
Isn't the point of politics to give a voice to the people through popular voting?
Popular voting being the principal ingredient feeding the web 2.0 and politics makes of the internet a major tool for political purposes - at least in theory.
In practice, one candidate stands out in the web world, and one only. His name is Ron Paul.
I would love to introduce him to you, but I'm sure if you read me now you know all about him already. He represents an iconic figure for the web, as his success may very well point out the power - or lack thereof - of the web 2.0 as an accurate platform for determining our politics.
Ron Paul, so famous on the web CNBC had to pull its latest poll off its website, argument being that the results (largely in his favor) may have been hacked, or are part of a massive internet campaign for the candidate.
Is Ron Paul going to live up to his virtual fame? Are his online numbers even closely representative of his true worth on the presidential election market?
Let me know what you think...
Posted by
3:48 PM
Labels: new politics, presidential debate, ron paul, web 2.0, youtube
Friday, October 12, 2007
Ann Coulter - An American By-Product?
In yet another controversial pronouncement, conservative media freak Ann Coulter has revealed once again her true ugly self. While we may deem her comments of Monday as a sad but regular attack on the ever so stigmatized Jewish people, "We want Jews to be perfected" may just be touching the surface of a deeper American problem.
If you had the luck - or lack thereof - to be raised in beloved America, chance is you were taught two different theories on where we, as human beings, come from. Evolution, also known as Darwinism, and another theory, Creationism, based on the book of Genesis.
While Evolution is regarded as the scientific approach to the sempiternal question of our provenance, Creationism is solely based on the religious beliefs that dominate our society.
The danger of not relying on scientific concepts when teaching the history of our existence manifests itself in people like Ann. Teaching Creationism at school is but the first step to enabling such idiosyncrasies to persist in the minds of people whom you would think as intelligent. Refer to the latest voted legislation at the European Parliament regarding the dangers of teaching Creationism at school.
Ann Coulter, like many others (she clearly is representing a current of thoughts) adheres to a neoconservative ideology that merely portrays the WASP group as the perfect American society. Obviously, because they are - supposedly - educated, they understand people, their differences, their flaws as an ethnic group, and we can't but believe they must have put together a ladder of American Perfection. From her comments, Jews must be scoring high enough on it that everything would be much easier if they were just Christians. The question is, easier for who?
Did the jews come to you to complain about their hardship in America?
The true reason is it would be just easier for you and your likes, Ann, because as it is, you must do a hell of an indoctrinating job to explain to your peers by religious a + b that Christians are the perfect Americans, the fed ex way to heaven as you like to put it. I would love for you to answer that simple question actually: Why do Jews not believe in Christianity?
But I don't expect you to, actually, or at least, not in an intelligent, reasoned, logical fashion.
One could easily compare your comments to what monsters like Hitler or Ahmadinejad have advertised, but I would rather call it human nature. After all, as animals, we live to belong, and as humans, we lust for power. Associate both traits of the human character and you know we all want to at least believe we belong to the strong. Yes, Ann, I understand you, and where your comments are coming from. From my own traditional, antiquated, non-perfected mind, I rationalize your thoughts, because I can...
Posted by
4:55 AM
Labels: Ann Coulter, Criticism, jews, politics